All-In-1 Membership Features

Features Overview

Everything you need to begin selling your memberships and courses right away.

Hosting Included

Powerful VPS hosting fully managed by us and capable of handling anything.

Starter Site

Pre-built site fully loaded. Pick a theme and customize it however you’d like, or hire us to do it for you. Or use your existing site.

Unlimited Courses

Unlimited courses, lessons, topics, quizzes, assignments, quizzes, and certificates.

Pro Plugins

Access to the premium version of the most powerful and professional plugins.

Fully Automated

Course enrollment, recuring payments, cancellations, emailing, etc. are all automated so you don’t have to lift a finger.

Sales Funnels

Create custom checkouts, sales pages, with upsells, downsells, cross-sells, order bumps, and more.

Course Creation

Create courses to showcase your skills, knowledge, and expertise.


Share your knowledge, teach your skills, provide private coaching, create a private company intranet, and more.


Add content such as text, images, videos, FAQs, files, presentation slides, PDFs, and more.


Break your lessons down into more manageable parts with topics.


Quiz your members and accept answers such as single choice, multiple choice, fill in the blank, essay, and more.

Certificates & Badges

Have members earn certificates and/or badges upon successful completion of courses or other actions like logging in each week, etc.

And much more!

Drag-and-drop course builder, lesson dripping, dashboards, assignments, and much more!

Pro Plugins

We exclusively use the pro version of the most powerful, bleeding-edge plugins.


The most popular and powerful learning management system plugin.


The most popular and powerful ecommerce plugin to sell products, memberships, courses – anything!


The most popular WordPress page builder with the most integrations and design templates.


Create sales page funnels, checkouts, carts, upsells, downsells, and order bumps, and automations.

WP Fusion

The most advanced membership and connector plugin that enables tagging, and course and content protection.

And more!

We have many other plugins and can get any plugin that you may need to help you add additional features to your site.


Everything you need to market and sell your memberships, courses, and digital products.

Sales Pages

Create sales pages for your products to direct potential customers to.


After they land on the sales page, guide them to your checkout, then to your upsells, cross-sells, and downsells.

Cart Abandonments

Send people who partially fill out a checkout an email(s) to persuade them to complete their purchase.


View detailed charts on members, subscriptions, orders, products, sales, downloads, taxes, and more.


Offer coupons, and have coupons created automatically for new leads.

And much more!

Order bumps, pre-made templates, thank you pages, and more!

Built-in WordPress CRM

Everything takes place right inside of WordPress; no external CRM.

Contact Profiles

View contacts’ personal info, tags, lists, links clicked, custom fields, etc.


View their purchases and subscriptions.


View the automations they’ve been in or are currently in.


View emails sent to them, or compose an email on ther record.

Customer’s Journey

View the funnels they went through, and their customer journey.

Notes, Tags, and more!

Add additional information to contacts with notes and tags.


Automate everything.


Members are automatically enrolled into courses as soon as they purchase.

Automatic Renewals

Automations handle the renewals, payments failed, expiring, cancellation, and much more.

Newsletters & Emails

Automatically send newsletters and emails.

Lead Capturing

Automate lead capturing, perform actions on form submissions, links clicked in emails, and more.

Upsell & Nurture

Automatically offer other products or nurture potential leads or exiting members.

Welcome & Reengagement

Automatically send welcome emails to new members, and reengagement emails to inactive members.

Optional Add-ons

Do it yourself or add these to your cart to hire us to do it.

Insert Course Content

We’ll insert all your course content and set up everything for you.

Add A New Site Design

Have a professional web designer design a custom theme for your website.

Add A Community

Add member profiles, activity feeds, social groups, forums, messaging, and much more.

Add Another Course

Have us set up another course and set up its automations, tags, emails, etc.

Add Another Membership

Have us create a new membership and set up the product, automations, tags, etc.

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